febrer 2019 |
Separació de nanopartícules de plata de plata iònica per a la seva determinació per espectroscòpia d’emissió atòmica mitjançant plasma induït per alta freqüència (ICP-OES): estudi dels paràmetres que afecten a la separació per bescanvi iònic |
Salleras Negre, Marta
31 maig 2023 |
The sequential static fatigue algorithm: a fast approach to predict composites delamination growth under fatigue loadings |
Martulli, Luca Michele
31 maig 2023 |
The sequential static fatigue algorithm: a fast approach to predict composites delamination growth under fatigue loadings |
Martulli, Luca M.
; Bernasconi, Andrea
11 febrer 2011 |
Serviceability behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer reinforced concrete beams |
Barris Peña, Cristina
11 febrer 2011 |
Serviceability behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer reinforced concrete beams |
Barris Peña, Cristina
Serviceability behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer reinforced concrete beams |
Barris Peña, Cristina
Shoemaker’s Analysis of Realization: A Review |
Pineda Oliva, David
; Vicente, Agustín
Shoemaker’s Analysis of Realization: A Review |
Pineda Oliva, David
; Vicente, Agustín
Shoemaker’s Analysis of Realization: A Review |
Pineda Oliva, David
; Vicente, Agustín
1 gener 2017 |
Shoemaker’s Analysis of Realization: A Review |
Pineda Oliva, David
; Vicente, Agustín
Short and long-term cracking behaviour of GFRP reinforced concrete beams |
Miàs Oller, Cristina
; Torres Llinàs, Lluís
; Guadagnini, M.
; Turon Travesa, Albert
agost 2015 |
Short and long-term cracking behaviour of GFRP reinforced concrete beams |
Miàs Oller, Cristina
; Torres Llinàs, Lluís
; Guadagnini, M.
; Turon Travesa, Albert
2005 |
Si3N4 single-crystal nanowires grown from silicon micro- and nanoparticles near the threshold of passive oxidation |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Rath, Chandana
; Pinyol i Agelet, Albert
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
Si3N4 single-crystal nanowires grown from silicon micro- and nanoparticles near the threshold of passive oxidation |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Rath, Chandana
; Pinyol i Agelet, Albert
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
10 març 2011 |
Simulació de l’impacte en estructures de materials compostos de matriu polimèrica |
González Juan, Emilio Vicente
31 maig 2023 |
Simulation of damage induced acoustic emission in laminates |
Doitrand, Aurélien
31 maig 2023 |
Simulation of damage induced acoustic emission in laminates |
Doitrand, Aurélien
; Hamam, Zeina
; Godin, Nathalie
; Reynaud, Pascal
; Fusco, Claudio
; Carrère, Nicolas
18 desembre 2006 |
Simulation of delamination in composites under quasi-static and fatigue loading using cohesive zone models |
Turon Travesa, Albert
18 desembre 2006 |
Simulation of delamination in composites under quasi-static and fatigue loading using cohesive zone models |
Turon Travesa, Albert
Simulation of delamination in composites under quasi-static and fatigue loading using cohesive zone models |
Turon Travesa, Albert
Simulation of Delamination Propagation in Composites Under High-Cycle Fatigue by Means of Cohesive-Zone Models |
Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Dávila, Carlos G.
desembre 2006 |
Simulation of Delamination Propagation in Composites Under High-Cycle Fatigue by Means of Cohesive-Zone Models |
Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Dávila, Carlos G.
1 juny 2018 |
Simulation of Delamination Propagation in Composites Under High-Cycle Fatigue by Means of Cohesive-Zone Models |
5 juny 2018 |
Simulation of Delamination Propagation in Composites Under High-Cycle Fatigue by Means of Cohesive-Zone Models |
Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
; Dávila, Carlos G.
8 març 2011 |
Simulation of interlaminar and intralaminar damage in polymer-based composites for aeronautical applications under impact loading |
González Juan, Emilio Vicente